October/November | Lonnymag.com
I just discovered this new online magazine (fairly new-it's been around for a year now). This post probably belongs on my Forage blog, but I thought it was relevant to this blog because it is not just design focused. There are travel-related and travel-themed design articles in here, including a great one on Zurich, Switzerland in the most recent issue. Plus, these photos look absolutely gorgeous placed within my blog, if I may say so myself!
I really think it is important to highlight great publishing in our world of ever-shrinking paper printing. The online world is an excellent venue for publishing, if only for the ability to carry it with you on your portable laptop/i-pad/i-touch etc. I have a big problem accumulating magazines and keeping them organized enough to access articles on an as-needed basis. Sadly, there is no method to my madness. In my case, sometimes, the digital world can be a great thing!
Hope you enjoy Lonny as much as I am.
I'm a big fan of Lonny too. So glad you found it!
Hi again, Avid Reader! I guess I'm a little behind, but at least I found it. I cannot wait to go through the earlier issues!
Hi again, Avid Reader! I guess I'm a little behind, but at least I found it. I cannot wait to go through the earlier issues!
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