Friday, October 29, 2010

November Schedule

Week 1:
Since I will not be attending the 2010 General Meeting of The Jane Austen Society of North America (I am so bummed!), this next week will be dedicated to Jane herself.  I will be wrapping up my Everything Austen II challenge with some posts on my challenges, sharing what I have seen on other blogs of what the Portland meeting holds in store, and anything else that strikes my fancy as the week progresses.

Already, the blog The Little White Attic has a post on Day One of the meeting. Click here to read about it.
She even gives us a glimpse of her own dress for the ball (Oh I wish I were going!)

Week 2:

I will be working on my application to grad school this week, so I might not post very much.  Bear with me.  I will soon return.

Brueghel's  The Harvesters from 1565
Week 3:

From the beginning of Week 3 until Thanksgiving, I will be posting about Thanksgiving and the harvest, in literature, film, and the home.

Happy, happy Halloween weekend, and I'll see you on Monday!

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